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W/C 11th November


Yr 4 - We have moved onto our Area unit. We will be counting squares to coalculate area and comparing different shapes and their areas

Yr 5 - We are coming to the end of our Multiplication and Division unit. This week we will be multipying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 and looking at multiplies of 10, 100 and 1000.



In Ash class we are going to be using the book 'Survivors' by David Long. This week we will be reading the short story about Juliane Koepcke: The girl who fell from the sky. We will be exploting the language used within the text. We will be learning about collective nouns and expanded noun phrases. We will be using expanded noun phrases to give complicated information concisely when writing about the jungle.

In Maple Class: After we complete our reading assessments at the beginning of the week, we will be moving on to using expanded noun phrases. We will be looking at pictures of the African landscape and describing them as best we can. Then editing our sentences using prepositional phrases. 



Yr 3 - We will be learning about different food groups. We will be identify which foods are carbohydrates, proteins, dairy, fats and sugars. 

Yr 4 - We are enjoying learning about solids, liquids and gases. This week we are learning about how they can change state with the help of freezing and heating. We will learn about condensation and evaportation. 

Yr 5 - This week we are learning about gravity.



Y4: We will be learning about longitude and latitude this week, using a range of globes and maps. 

Y5: Using maps this week, we will be locating mountains in the UK. 



Yr 4 - Last week we enjoyed find different fonts and thinking about what genre of writing they could be best suited for. This week we will be thinking about a newspaper article, selecting the correct fonts for different parts of the article and formating them appropriatey.

Yr 5 - Having spent last lesson exploring the features of, this week we will be creating images and learning how to resize, move, rotate and duplicate them.



This week we will be answering these questions:

  • What different ideas are there about God?
  • What ideas fo you know about God in other religions?



