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18th November

Forest school for year 2 is on Tuesday.


Literacy - This week we will be using the text Maya's Walk. We will be exploring singular and plural nouns and year 2 will also be exploring verbs and adjectives. We will be sorting words into these groups practically, writing sentences using nouns from the classroom. We will be considering why is walking good for your health and then writing a letter to Mrs Burnett persuading her to leave her office and go for a walk. 


Phonics - Year 2 will be finding alternative spelling patterns for /er/ and /ure/ and also practising the spelling of their common exception words.


Year 1 will continuing to learn Level 5 choose to use spellings, /oe/ /ow/ and /ew/ /ue/ 


Maths - Year 2 will be beginning a new unit of work on shape. We will be recognising 2D and 3D shapes, counting vertices and side on 2D shapes, drawing 2 D shapes and recognising lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.


Year 1 will be subtracting by crossing out and working out how many are left, subtracting using a number line and adding or subtracting 1 or 2. 


Science - Year 1 will be exploring melting and freezing. Year 2 will be exploring metal and fabric and considering why you can/ can't use a material for a given object.


Geography - We will continue to explore the countries of the UK.


DT - We will being to make our fire engines in small groups using junk modelling materials. If you have any materials at home that would be good for this project please do send them in.


RSHE - We will have a lesson discussing the PANTS rules in an age appropriate way.
