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w/b 9th December

This week, we are performing our Christmas production of Pirates versus Mermaids to parents and carers on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. We have all been working so hard to pull this show off and give you the best performance we possibly can. Please do take the time to support your child your week. 



We are so nearly at the end of our White Rose units of learning. Year 3s are combining the 2s, 4s and 8s times tables this week and solving problems using these. Year 4s will be completing an Arithmetic assessment. 



We will be reflecting back on our learning across this half term so far. What have we been learning about? How well have we learnt it? Could we explain our learning to any other children?



Year 3s are looking at the history of London and thinking about how and why London has changed. 

Year 4s are are learning about countries along the 'lines. We will find out about the Greenwich Meridian line. 

Year 5s are leaning about mountainous climates. 


DT morning

For our DT project this half term we are blocking out two mornings to research, design and make our products. We will be looking at kites. Who designed the first kite? Which shapes can we use to make a kite? How can we ensure our kites are as strong as possible? We can't wait to share our final designs with you once they are complete! 


