Forest School is Tuesday for year 1.
Literacy - This week we will be using the text 'Jack and the Flum Flum Tree'. We will be asking questions about the items he takes with him and writing those questions down using a question mark. Year 2 will be writing the items using commas to create a list. Year 1 and 2 will be planning and writing their own mini adventure considering what they would take with them and what they would use it for.
Phonics- Year 2 will be spelling words with the alternative spellings for /air/ /ee/ /ai/
Year 1 will be recapping all phase 4 sounds.
Maths- Year 2 will be adding by making 10, adding 3 one digit numbers. adding to the next, adding across a 10 and subtracting across a ten. This will be done using concrete manipulatives and moving onto written jottings when/if needed.
Year 1 will be learning number bonds within 10, number bonds to 10, adding together and adding more.
Science- Year 1 will be exploring the sense of smell. Year 2 will be exploring healthy foods for humans.
History - We will be finding out about how we know about the Great Fire of London from sources of information. We will also be finding out about Samuel Pepys.
Art -We will be begin to make out Tudor houses so please bring a cereal box in for this.
Computing - Year 1 will be developing their skills with the mouse to create a face and year 2 will be retrieving the picture they stared last week and adding to it.