It was lovely to be back in the classroom last week and organising ourselves into our new routines.
A gentle reminder that all children need a pencil case in school every day. This can live on their desk or in their trays, and I will send them home at the end of the half term to be replenished.
PE days at Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please remember to wear PE kits on these days.
Also, the children will need to have their reading book, diary and spelling book in school with them each day.
This week the children will bring home an up to date spelling list in their new spelling books. Please spend time at home learning these words.
Year 4 parents: Please ask your child which classroom they are in for Literacy and for Maths, and refer to the relevant information below.
Yr 5 - We are starting our Place Value unit this week. We will be learning some more Roman Numerals, exploring numbers up to 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 and ensuring we can read and write them.
Yr 4 - To begin with we will be revisiting numbers up to 1,000. We will be partitioning as well as identifying and placing number on a number line. We will then be looking at numbers up to 10,000.
Literacy in Ash Class:
This week we will be doing some independent writing. We will have free choice over what genre of writing we would like to write.
Yr 3 - Our Science unit is Animals including humans. To start with we will be naming and identifying the bones of the human body.
Yr 4 - Our Science unit for this term is Grouping and classifying things. The first lesson will be looking at grouping different animals.
Yr 5 - Our Science unit is Forces. To start with we will be learning about friction.
Yr 4 - We are looking at timelines and archeological evidence for the Shang Dynasty.
Yr 5 - We will be introducing the Anglo-Saxons and Scots by learning about the invaders.
This week we will be thinking about key words that can be used to describe God. We will like about God's power, character and actions. We will explore Psalm 103, Isaiah chapter 6 and John chapter 4 and see if we can find words or phrases that describe what God is like, what God does and what God doesn't do. We also see if we can identify how we know this.
We will be exploring how artists use their skills to make drawings which capture form.
Yr 4 - We will be learning how to programme using Logo on Purple Mash. This week we will be learning the language of Logo and learning how to input simple instructions on Logo.
Yr 5 - We will be learning how to create vector drawings. This week we will be exploring how to use the different tools within the programme.