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14th October

Forest school Year 1 Tuesday. 


Literacy - This week we will be using the text 'Pumpkin Soup'. We will be writing statements about what happens in the story, identifying exclamation marks in the story and using them in our writing, making pumpkin soup and following the instructions and writing the instructions to make it. The children will then allowed to try some soup if they would like to and taking into account any allergies. 


Phonics - Year 2 will be looking at alternative spelling patterns for /ear/, /ur/, /er/ and learning their common exception words.


Year 1- will be continuing to recap phase 4 moving on to CCVCC words such as skunk, twist, blend, stamp.


Maths- Year 2 will be subtracting across 10, subtracting from a 10, subtracting a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number across 10, adding 10 more and 10 less and adding and subtracting 10's. 


Year 1 will be learning number bonds to 10, adding together, adding more, addition number problems and beginning to think about subtraction by finding a part. 


History - We will be exploring what happened after the Great Fire and the impact it has on life today. We will also be finding out more about Samuel Pepys.


Science - Year 1 will be exploring Autumn and starting to collect data abut the weather. Year 2 will be exploring good hygiene in humans.


Art - We will be reflecting on our artwork and the artwork of others in our class in a supportive way. We will also be continuing to make our Tudor buildings.


Computing - Year 1 will be developing their skills drawing a picture on the computer and year 2 will be creating a picture and text reflecting their learning on the Great Fire of London.



