This week we will be getting to know each other and our new routine. We will get to know the weekly timetable, where we need to be at what time, and what to bring to school each day. PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday so remember to wear your kits on those days.
To wake our brains up after a 6 week break, we will be spending this week revisiting key areas from last year. We will start with place value to ensure we are ready to take on this years Maths curriculum.
This week, we will be setting the expectations for handwriting and presentation with some children working towards earning their pen license for joined handwriting. We will assess spellings to ensure we have a secure baseline to work on throughout the year. We will be sending home new reading books, reading diaries and new spelling books, so we will spend some time this week looking at these.
Our main question for this half term is:
What does it mean if God is holy and loving?
This week we will be thinking about how we can describe people. Do we fully know a person? We will be discussing what it is like to fully know someone. How can we better our relationships with people? Talking? Experiencing events or activities with them? Sharing emotional moments?
We willl be linking our ideas and thoughts with the idea that for Christians, knowing God is a personal journey, a relationship not an intellectual exercise.
This term our art unti is focusing on drawing. We will be exploring form throuh drawing. We will be considering how 2D drawings can convey a sense of form/mass and colume. We will be looking at the drawing of Sculptors' Henry Moore and Christo and Jeanne-Claude.
This week we will be describe the difference between shape and form (2D and 3D). We will study Henry Moore's shelter drawings. We will create an artist profile in our sketch books. We will then have a go at drawing our hands exploring the word 'concave'.
Throughout the year we will be covering elements of internet safety. This half term will be cyber bulling and password security. We will learn about digital footprints and what impact these could have.
Yr 4 - Throughout this half term we will be doing some programming. We willl create quizzes using Scratch and Purple Mash.
Yr 5 - This half term we will be creating vector drawings. We will learn to use different tools to help to create different images.