Yr 4 - We will be using a range of methods to divide and then apply what we have learnt by solving some word problems.
Yr 5 - We are coming to the end of our Multiplication and Division unit. We will finish this week with some word problems and then some extra time to consolidate what we have learnt.
We will be reading more our text, exploring the characters and their changes in their lives. We will identify the new characters and write a diary as a character.
Yr 3 - We will be exploring the importance of soil.
Yr 4 - This week we will explore volume and pitch.
Yr 5 - We will be planning our 'insulating heat' investigation.
Y4: We will be looking at what life was like for the ancient Greeks.
Y5: We will be finding out about the Danegeld, and the King who introduced it.
Having looked at 4 different artists, we will spend this week exploring different art materials. We will use a variety of inks, water colours, fine liners, charcoal, wax, pastels to create different effects.
We will be exploring holiness in a key story from the Torah.
We are looking Moses return to Egypt, the Ten Plagues and how Pharaoh let his slaves go. This is the story Jewish people tell at the Passover festival each year.
Yr 4 - We will create a simple melodic pattern using 2Sequence and BusyBeats and use a variety of notes focusing on pitch.
Yr 5 - Continuing with databases, we will be creating our own databases on a topic of our choice.