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Wk Beg 20th Jan

This week we are reading the story 'The Gingerbread Man.' We will be making our own Gingerbread men and decorating them. We will talk about what happens to our Gingerbread men in the oven. How have they changed? We will make junk model boats for the Gingerbread Man to escape the fox.


In drawing club we will be reading The Gingerbread Man, we will be introducing new vocabulary with our @get up, Stand up words'> these words are leap, accelerate, pursue, block, mocking, disappointed. We will be drawing and writing magic codes for the Gingerbread Man, the gingerbread mans house and imagining that the old woman bakes a new character - the sticky cheese man!


In phonics, this week we will be learning the sounds /ch/ /sh/ /th/ /ng/. The tricky words we will be focusing on are her, was, you.


In maths, we will continue build on learning the composition of numbers to 5 and perceptual subitising to develop our understanding of conceptual subitising. This is the ability to see sets of numbers within other sets, such as seeing the two and three in the number five, without having to count.

We will also be learning about weight and measuring different objects to find what is heavier and what is lighter. We will be also looking at different containers and finding out how much the containers hold.
