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This week we are learning about the signs of Spring. We will be going on a nature walk to see if we can draw and write names of flowers in our nature garden. We will be looking closely at flowers and seeing if we can deconstruct flowers and put them back together. We will also get a visit from the Spring fairy who will be writing us secret challenges to do all week. 


In drawing club, we are watching a clip from an 80s cartoon called 'Willow the Wisp" we will be introducing new vocabulary such as peaceful, fearless, teeny weeny, airborne, scorched, transform, dawdle, loop the loop. We will be drawing evil Edna, the woods, drawing funny things in our think clouds and thinking about what evil Edna will turn us into with her magic wand. We will use code words and sentences to make funny things happen.


In phonics, this week we will be recapping the phase 2 and 3 sounds. We are also focusing on all the tricky words we have learnt so far. 


In maths, we will be recapping number doubles to 10 and exploring odd and even. 

