Literacy in Maple class
We will be looking at the use of the perfect present tense this week to construct sentences for a postcard using our text The Lost Thing as inspiration.
Multiplication and division this week. We will be looking at multiples of 2, 5 and 10, as well as learning our 3, 6 and 9 times tables with the multiplication and division facts.
We will be asking, What do Christians learn about reconciliation from the Bible? Drawing on our knowledge of the story from last week, The Prodigal Son, we will be asking, How did the older brother feel? Using drama, feelings faces and emotions graphs, we will describe the situation that the older brother faced when his younger brother returned home.
Year 3s: Beginning the Coding unit through Purple Mash.
Year 4s: Writing for different audiences. The children will be introduced to formatting a newspaper report in this lesson.
Y3: We will be learning about the UK seas and rivers.
Y4: We will be learning about coordinates - lines of latitude and longitude.
Y5: We will be learning about mountains in the UK.