This week we are reading the story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff.' We have the characters from the story in our small world, so the children can retell the story and make the goats a bridge. What materials will they use? Will the bridge be strong enough to hold all 3 goats?
In drawing club, we will be introducing new vocabulary such as gigantic, enormous, minuscule, tiny, stomping and grotesque. We will be drawing the goats, the troll, designing a way for the goats to cross the river and designing a perfect meal for the troll. We will use code words and sentences to make funny and amazing things happen.
In phonics, this week we will be recapping the sounds ur, ow, oi, er. We are focusing on all the tricky words we have learnt so far.
In maths, we will be learning about time. We will be seeing how many things we can do in one minute. We will be using sand timers to time our activities around the classroom. We will also be singing a days of the week song and ordering the days of the week correctly and thinking about what we do on each day of the week.