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9th September

Year 1 will start forest schools on Tuesday. They will need to come to school wearing appropriate forest school clothes including a waterproof coat and wellies. Please send the children to school with a bag with their PE uniform in, including trainers. This bag needs to be big enough to put their forest school clothes in.


Literacy - This week we will be using the book 'The Squirrels who Squabble'. We will be watching some clips showing squirrels in the wild and creating a word bank to describe them and their movements. We will be reading half the book and then planning before we write what we predict will happen next. We will also be answering some questions based on the book. 


Phonics - Year 2 will be revising the phonemes 'qu' 'ch' 'sh' and 'ng' within particularly the spelling of these in words. We will be learning to read the year 2 common exception words.


Year 1 will be revising phase 4 sounds using Supersonic phonic friends. 


Maths - Year 2 will be partitioning numbers to 100, writing numbers to 100 in words, flexibly partitioning numbers to 100 and placing numbers in 10's on a number line to 100.


Year 1 will be recognising numbers as words, counting on from any number, 1 more, 1 less and counting backwards within 10. 


Geography - We will be considering where we live within the context of the world. Where is our school and where we live individually. We will use Google Earth to explore what is around our locality.


History - We will be exploring timelines and creating one of our own lives so far to develop an understanding of chronology.


Art - We will be creating snail drawings, continuing on our work on spirals.


Computing - Year 1 will be beginning to develop their skills using a paint program and year 2 developing their ability to present information.


