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W/C 18th November


Yr 4 - Continuing with our Multiplication and Division unit, this week we will be learning our 9 timestable and consolidating our 3, 6 and 9 timestables.

Yr 5 - This week we will be converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, compare and ordering fractions less than 1.


Literacy in Ash Class

We will be using the internet and non fiction books to retrieve and record information that we can use to create our non chronological report on volcanoes. We will be note taking using bullet points remembering to keep our sentences short so we can extend them in our writing. 



Yr 3 - We will be learning what we need for a balanced diet and comparing different types of diets.

Yr 4 - Having enjoyed learning how to use the equipment last week, we will be planning our melting investigation.

Yr 5 - We will be learning about the motion of the Earth and other planets.






Yr 4 - Our unit this half term is writing for different audiences. This week we will explore the different functions in Word. We will select different fonts, colours, text boxes, borders etc.

Yr 5 - We will be exploring the microbits. We will start writing simple code to programme them to complete certain tasks.



Our question for this week is:

How is Baptism and the Trinity used by Christians today?


