We have a busy week ahead of us! Parents consultations (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), Children in Need Challenge on Thursday (PE kits to be worn), Children in Need on Friday (own clothes to be worn) and the the PTA disco Friday after school!
Plus, we will be taking our rehearsals into the village hall. 2 weeks to go!!
Yr 4 - We are now moving onto our next unit: Multiplication and Division. This week we will be looking at multiples of 3, 6 and 9 and their multiplication and division facts.
Yr 5 - This week we will be starting our new unit on Fractions. To begin with we will be finding fractions equivalent to a unit and non-unit fractions, recognising equivalent fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.
Literacy in Ash Class
Continuing with our story, 'The girl who fell from the sky', we will be looking at the language used, description, sentence starters and conjunctions that have been used and think about how we can use them in our writing.
Literacy in Maple Class
This week, as Tom journeys further South across Africa, we will be turning our attention to using impersonal language instead of first person and personal language which we have used many times this term already. We will be researching two African countries and using our research to begin writing a fact file.
Yr 3 - Last week we learnt about the 5 food groups: carbohydrates, proteins, fruit and vegetables, fats and dairy. This week we will be learning the importance of each food group.
Yr 4 - This week we will be learning about the importance of using the correct equipment for investigations and making sure we can use the equipment properly. We will be testing out equipment before beginning to plan an investigation on temperature changes.
Yr 5 - Our final lesson on our Forces unit is all about 'Using smaller forces for greater effects'. We will be looking at the effects of gears, pulleys and leavers.
Y4: We are learning about the North and South Pole this week. We will identify the position and significance of the Arctic and the Antarctic Circle in the context of comparing polar regions to the UK.
Y5: We are looking at the features of a mountain this week. We will be describing and understanding key aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle in the context of mountains.
Yr 4 - We will continue writing our newpapers and thinking about our fonts and formating choices.
Yr 5 - Continuing our vecter drawing, this week we will be using the zoom tool to add detail to our drawings and using the alignment grids to improve consistency.
Our key questions this week are:
We will be looking at a text from a Hindu scripture to help us with our exploration of Hinduism.
I am the taste in the water
I am the radiance in the sun and moon
I am the sound in space
I am the strength in humanity
I am the sweet fragrance of the earth
I am the brilliace in the fire
I am the life in all beings