Welcome back! Monday is an Inset Day for the teaching staff. We look forward to welcoming you back into school on Tuesday. Please wear school uniform. Tuesday will be a PE day ordinarily but I will send out a reminder for this next week.
This week is all about establishing routines and getting to know each other. We will be handing out new reading diaries, reading books and spelling diaries to go home this week. Inside the reading diaries will be a copy of your login details for the laptops, for Purple Mash and for Times Tables Rock Stars so that you can access these from home. A copy of your logins will also be kept in your tray for school use. Please can I encourage parents to regularly check the reading diaries and make a short comment and initial when they have heard their child read. Your child will be encouraged to change their reading books regularly in school as and when they need to, with an adult supervising the first few changes. Please practise spellings for a few minutes every day. A half termly spelling check will take place to monitor progress across the year.
Literacy and Maths will begin this week in our groups. The children will be given their new books with a reminder about presentation expectations and our PRIDE learning values (Perseverance, Responsibility, Independence, Determination and Effort) There will be an opportunity to work towards earning a pen license in Key Stage Two which will be explained this week.
Further messages will be communicated through MCAS via the office so please do make sure you are checking this platform regularly.