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w/c 14th October '24

Literacy in Maple Class

This week we are editing our Stone Age diaries. Part of the editing process is being able to choose better vocabulary and language to make our work more interesting. The children will be using editing strips of paper to make these changes to their work before publishing their work. 



We will be learning how to add and subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers when there is an exchange. 



We are coming to the end of our unit all about the Trinity and so this week, the children will be expressing what they have learned through artwork. 



Year 3 will be creating a magazine using their desktop publishing skills. 

Year 4 will be using the Logo programme to create flowers and crystals. 



Y3 We are finding out about Celtic tribes from the Iron Age. 

Y4 We will be learning about Fu Hao and the discovery of her tomb. 

Y5 We will be considering how the Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity in Britain. 



We are using charcoal and chalk to create our final pieces this week ready for a gallery with Ash Class. 
