Happy New Year to you. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are ready to be back at school.
Yr 4 - Our new unit to begin with is Multiplication and Division. We will be learning about factor pairs and multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.
Yr 5 - We are returning to Multiplication and Division to start with. We will be learning to use different methods to multiply 4 and 5 digits by 1 and 2 digits.
This term we will be reading 'Letters from the Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll.
To begin with we will do some independent writing before getting stuck into our text.
Yr 3 - Having identified different types of rocks we will now learn about the formation of fossils.
Yr 4 - We will be starting our new unit on 'Sound'. This week we will be learning about vibrations.
Yr 5 - Our new unit is 'Properties of Materials'. To begin with we testing materials to see if they are magnetic, their hardness and their transparency.
Yr 4 - Our unit for this half term is a Purple Mash unit - Making Music. We will be identifying and discussion the main elements of music: pulse, rhythm, tempo, pitch and texture.
Yr 5 - Databases. This term we are going to learn about databases and how we can use them. This week we will learn how to search for information in a database.
Our main question for this half term is:
What is holiness for Jewish people: a place, a time, an object or something else?
Our key questions for this week are:
Our unit for this half term we will be Mixed Media Land and City Scapes. Artists don't just work in studios - they get out into the world and draw and paint from life, inspired by the land and city scapes where they live.
This week we will be introduced to the artist Vanessa Gardiner and comparing Venessa with the Shoreditch Sketcher.