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W/B 26th February

Year 2 will start forest school this week on Tuesday morning. Please come to school in forest school clothes and bring in a bag their PE kit for the afternoon.


Year 1 will continue to have use of the outdoor learning classroom Wednesday afternoon for an hour, so please bring wellies and change of trousers. 


Literacy - This week we will be using the book 'The owl who was afraid of the dark'. We will be reading this book throughout the week and finding out about the adventures of Plop. We will be watching clips of owls and researching barn owls and what they are really like. We will be writing notes and presenting a fact file about owls.


Phonics - Year 2 will be using alternative spelling patterns for the /oo/, /ew/ and /y/. We will also be practising the common exception words.


Year 1 will be using alternative spellings for /er/ such as /er/, /ir/ and /or/ 

We will also be using alternative spellings for the/ch/ sound, /ch/ and /tch/. We will also be practising our blending skills and tricky words. 


Maths - Year 2 will be recognising a third, finding a third, finding the whole, unit fractions and non unit fractions.


Year 1 will be making and partitioning groups of 10s and 1s. Estimating using a number line to 50. Finding one more and one less of numbers to 50.


Science - Year 1 will be exploring the material of rock. Year 2 will be exploring the habitats and diet of animals.


Geography - We will be using Google maps to explore the local area and draw a map with a key.


Art - We will be exploring paint and colour mixing. 


Computing - Year 1 will be working on their animated storyboard. Year 2 will be developing their coding skills.


RE - We will be evaluating the Easter story by considering which parts are happy and sad on a coloured cross. 
