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20th May

To be updated...


In drawing club, we will be watching the cartoon 'Roadrunner' We will be drawing Roadrunner, inventing a way for Coyote to travel super fast, thinking about what Coyote could leave out for Roadrunner to eat to trick it and the ambulance is coming to take coyote to hospital- what happened to him?


We will also be continuing with our Sunflower Challenge, observing how our seeds are growing, writing to our plants and exploring how tall a sunflower can grow by comparing it to a balloon. We will be using our class calendar to count how many days it takes our sunflower to grow.


In phonics, this week we will be recapping tricky words and assessing the children's knowledge of the sounds we have learnt so far. Just a reminder to read at home as much as possible as this is so important for the children's reading development. 


In maths, we are continuing to solve problems involving addition and subtraction and recapping numbers that make 10 and odd and even numbers.


We will also be exploring marbling. We will use different colour food colourings and oil to create some oil pictures. We make a sketch book with our marbling pages. We can use our sketch books to draw things we are interested in. 
