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Church of England Village School

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British Values

At Fittleworth we make sure that the fundamental British values are reflected in the ethos of the school through our Christian and Learning values. Through our curriculum, we address democracy, the importance of diversity and combating discrimination, understanding the freedom to choose your own faith and beliefs and promote tolerance between different cultural traditions. We also enable the children to acquire an appreciation of their own and other cultures.  This is addressed in most curriculum subjects including PSHE , RE and Citizenship and during our Collective Worship.




British Values Statement



Democracy underpins the values of the school. All children are treated fairly and have an equal right to express their views and be listened to. During their time at Fittleworth School children are given many opportunities for their voices to be heard. We have a school council which meets discuss issues raised within their classes. The council is able to effect change within the school. Council members for each class are voted in by their peers. Voting is widely used in school as a means of making decisions that affect us all.


The Rule of Law

Our children are taught to understand the importance of law and that the law is necessary in order to help us govern our behaviour within society. Children decide on their own class rules and can articulate why they are necessary. Visits from the Police and Fire Service help the children understand their responsibility to respect the law.


Individual Liberty

Within school pupils are actively encouraged to make choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for our children to make choices safely. For instance, our children are educated about the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices around food and exercise. When children make inappropriate choices the consequences are discussed and they are given strategies to help them in the future. Our broad and rich curriculum encourages the development of the whole child and nurtures independence.


Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is at the core of what we do and is one of our Christian values. Adults model respect and children are frequently reminded to treat others with respect, even when their views and opinions may be different from their own.


Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Fittleworth is a Church of England school situated in an area which is not culturally diverse. We understand our duty to promote diversity and place great emphasis on this. Assemblies regularly address issues of diversity and tolerance and our creative curriculum and our RE and PSHE teaching reinforce diversity through the telling of stories or the sharing of celebrations from other cultures, religions and beliefs. Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within the school. We regularly take groups of children (starting in YR) out of school on visits and we know that a significant benefit of these visits is the exposure of our children to people who look and dress differently, and the rich discussions that follow.
