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Summer 1

Welcome Back, I do hope you have had a lovely Easter and you're feeling ready to start this Summer Term. 


Forest Schools: Year 3 will be having their turn in the forest this half term, every Tuesday afternoon. So please can the children come to school in their PE kits as normal, and bring a bag of Forest Schools clothes with them to get changed into at lunchtime.


History: Year 3 are learning about the Ancient Mayan Civilisation. Year 4 are learning about the early Romans. Year 5 will be learning about the Benin Kingdom in Africa.


RE: We will be exploring a Hinduism unit this half term, asking the Big Question, What spiritual pathways to moksha are written about in Hindu scriptures? 


Art: It is now the summer term so our focus is on sculpture in our art lessons. We will be focussing on the artist and sculptor Marcus Coates who uses encounters between the animal and the human world to inspire his art work. We will have birds as our focus, and will be creating our own pieces of artwork uses many different materials and media. 


Computing: Year 3 will be learning how to send emails this half term through Purple Mash. The children will be encouraged to email me and email their friends through Purple Mash, learning how to compose, edit, attach files and send. Year 4 will be using Purple Mash to create games. With their previous knowledge of coding and using microbits, this unit will be expanding on their existing skills of sequencing and inputting variables to create their own games. 






